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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Ever-Useful $get and $find ASP.NET AJAX Shortcut Functions



$get can be used as shorthand for the document.getElementById and element.getElementById functions. The $get shortcut function points to the Sys.UI.DomElement.getElementById JavaScript function which is defined as part of the ASP.NET AJAX client side library (which means you will need to include a ScriptManager on the page to be able to use it). $get accepts two parameters, the first is the ID of the DOM element you want to retrieve, the second is the parent element of where the search starts. The second parameter is optional and when it is not supplied defaults to the document element. Here is the official API reference.

Ex:- $get('divid')

On Master Page:-

Ex:- var div = $get('<%= this.label.ClientID %>');



The $find shortcut function allows you to look up an ASP.NET AJAX client side Component by it's ID. Here is a link to the $find shortcut's documentation and below is the API description.

Use $find to Fetch an AjaxControlToolkit Extender Behavior

Many of the extender controls of the AjaxControlToolkit include a client side JavaScript API that allows your page to interact with the extender control from the client. While the documentation on the toolkit is well above average, it focuses on the most common properties/attributes of the control and skims over the other less used properties/attributes as well as the client side API. I have found the best way to learn about the client side API is to download the toolkit and browse the code.

Once you discover the capabilities of an extender's the client side API, you are going to need to obtain a reference to the component so you can interact with it from your page. All of the extender controls in the toolkit expose a property called BehaviorID (it is defined on the ExtenderControlBase so all toolkit controls inherit it by default). You can set the BehaviorID in the controls markup, or you can leave it blank, in which case it will have the same ID of the control. The 2 code samples below show both of these options. In the first one, no BehaviorID is specified so this attribute takes on the same value as the ID. In the second sample, I am explicitly specifying a BehaviorID of 'rceBehaviorID', so that is what I can use to look up the Component.

The behavior for this extender can be fetched using the following syntax:

var behavior = $find('rce1ID');

ajaxToolkit:ResizableControlExtender ID="rce1ID" runat="server" ... />

The behavior for this extender can be fetched using the following syntax:

var behavior = $find('rceBehaviorID');

ajaxToolkit:ResizableControlExtender ID="rce2ID" BehaviorID="rceBehaviorID" runat="server" ./>

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